Quotidian in storytelling

This is the common concept that has all fiction-fantasy stories written by author Ivonne Hoyos.

It is basically how the words describe it: starting with an everyday story, there is this little magic that pushes the character to have extraordinary tools to overcome conflict in daily issues.

She also calls it like an Extraordinary Touch to Reality.

What if...

Back in the script lessons, the -What IF- is the starting spark for a new idea, and for a new story. The idea of this exercise is fascinating when you understand that beyond having unlimited possibilities. What this exercise does is to train your imagination muscle, and make you a more creative writer with the practice and constancy.
Here are the main for Ivonne’s storytelling writings:

What if you can go back and time and change the mistakes from the past.

What if you can talk one more time with your best friend, who’s dead.

What if you become into the guardian angel of the person you most love.

What if paranormal events drive you to find a dark past in high school.